Osteopathic Laryngology


Course curriculum: 2022


The Application of Osteopathic Medicine in the management

of Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Dysphagia and Associated Symptoms


Jacob Lieberman DO MA Reg Osteopath and Psychotherapist

Specialist Management Vocal Crisis


With added knowledge from research and clinical corporation with

Prof Markus Hess ENT Surgeon, Otolaryngologist

Phonosurgeon, Specialist in office based procedures Stimmklinik Hamburg Germany


The aim being the development of sensitive palpatory skills so that examination and treatment becomes “tissue specific

” to the level of the individual muscle or joint.

The final aim: for participants to have a good knowledge and understanding of the laryngeal mechanisms, and to be

able to physically examine and treat the larynx.


The course includes:


1.     Introduction Osteopathic part:

1.1  Muscle physiology and the rationale behind Osteopathic manual therapy.

1.2  Osteopathic principles what is causing the onset of symptoms

1.3  Osteopathic physical examination of laryngeal muscles and joints and functional diagnosis


2.     Voice part:

2.1  The requirements of professional voice production

2.2  The mechanics of voice production why and what goes wrong

2.3  History taking specific for muscle and joint dysfunction

2.4  Vocal folds examination what professional singers need

2.5 Bed-side diagnosis things to listen to in the absence of camera


3.     Examination breathing and laryngeal function (standing / sitting):

3.1  The principle of physical examination static and dynamic

3.2  Practicing specific examination of laryngeal structures, breathing mechanics and posture

3.3   Arriving a functional diagnosis , the basis for treatment


4.     Introduction to psychological aspects of voice and swallowing complains using specific

      markers taking from the history taking,  palpation and looking for psychological markers 

      focus on:

4.1  Globus

4.2  Pubophonia

4.3  Hi pitch conversion

4.4  Voice over use


5.     Safety consideration when applying physical therapy

5.1  Anatomy of safety structures to be avoided

5.2   Considerations to alter techniques or avoiding one

5.3  Good clinical practice


6.     Basic treatment techniques. Intensive closely supervised hands-on practicing.



The course combines theory, years of clinical experience in practice. It covers detailed review

of the functional anatomy of the Larynx and breathing apparatus.

Special history taking that helps to identify psychological underlying makers and referral criteria

to Otolaryngologist,

Tricks for differential diagnosis for the emotional vs mechanical vs inflammatory complaints.


The course demonstrates how “touch” therapy can be used for: examination, diagnosis, treatment and an additional

tool to gather insights and understanding of the patient’s emotional states of mind


The course is based on frontal lectures and good deal of hands-on practice of Laryngeal examination and

introduction to basic treatment techniques.



Note that once palpatory skills are at a satisfactory level, specific techniques become much more efficient, tissue specific,

SAFE and most important, can be tolerated by the patient.


3. The venue provides a didactic: laptop, audio amplifying room big enough for participants to move around for the practice part,

sitting and/or lying (on plinths or on yoga mats on the floor, for breathing practice).

Lunch and coffee for breaks is included.


4.   The subjects covered in details:

4.1       Posture related voice problems,

4.2       TMJ complex,

4.3       Supra-Hyoid mechanism

4.4       Floor of mouth,

4.5       Base of tongue,

4.6       Middle constrictor,

4.7       The hyoid bone,

4.8       Inferior constrictors,

4.9       Thyro-hyoid mechanism,

4.10     Crico-thyroid muscles and joint,

4.11     Inferior straps

4.12     Breathing mechanism.


If time is allowed, dependent on participants’ experience, basic procedures will be practiced: pubophonia,

Globus, diaphragmatic breathing.


 The basic course is 2 days normally, (2 very intensive days).

A teaching day is two 3 hours sessions. 1hr lunch break and 2 coffee breaks


Size of group is limited and open for: practitioners (Laryngologists, SLP, Osteopaths, and Massage therapists’ Physiotherapists


None practitioners who are interested in practical singing physiology like voice coaches, and professional voice users singers,

will find this course useful for the diagnostic part and referral criteria.


This course provides a certificate and was qualified for CEU if the organization can issue those